Thursday, May 27, 2010

Van Nistelrooy more questionable

Hamburg -
Is he not make his debut in Cologne, or?
The speculation surrounding HSV-star Ruud van Nistelrooy (33) goes further - and until Thursday to be clear yet. Trend Hamburg Coach Bruno Labbadia will take his new signing from Real Madrid super still not comfortable with the away match in Cologne.
Labbadia Thursday: "We will be set by anyone under time pressure. Ruud is still under construction and is only at 60 percent. The risk to take him too early, we do not want to go. "
The Dutchman must have to catch up on his fitness residue. FC coach Zvonimir Soldo all this seems to matter: "Whether or not van Nistelrooy: The HSV is well cast."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Soldo is still looking for his team

Berlin -
Lukas Podolski right, left, now in the storm. Miso Brecko first left, then right. Fabrice Ehret forward, then backward. Coach Zvonimir Soldo has not made any firm STARTING.
"We had some failures, the lock of Maniche came to Petit now missing because of his fifth yellow card. So I do not think that I experiment a lot, "says the coach.
But above all, about the proper use of striker Lukas Podolski has been much discussed. "Everyone knows that I prefer agiere centrally behind the strikers," Poldi said last week itself Soldo: "I do not know where the problem lies. In the national team he plays on the left. And in Berlin, he may even ran as a striker. "
In contrast to the Hannover-debacle, where Soldo wanted to boost the offensive with Fabrice Ehret at left back, is now returning Christopher Schorch the team. He comes over right, Miso Brecko must switch back to the left side. A rehearsed team can master but as it further away ...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baskets and fans celebrate Carnival

Bonn - After the game against the Baskets LTi Giessen could have been spent in the motto
"Et Hät still jot jejange," for after a strong first half, it made the Bonn to the unnecessarily tight 81:70 home win exciting.
But the 5180 spectators, the unconcentrated last 20 minutes of play were a hang. After the final siren stormed cowboys, sailors, crocodiles and clowns on to the field and cheered.
There had been reason to celebrate in the first minutes. The baskets started with 11:0 in the game. Moussa Diagne had it with slam dunks and threes only crash so and brought the fans to roar. After that, interval.
Only three of three baskets of Captain Artur Kolodziejski secured 10 Victory in the 11th Home game. Then came what JJ Strasser knew before the game: "We will have fun today!" That was it: After the end of celebrating fans and players in the foyer. But not for too long: On Monday, the Bonn travel to France to the Euro Challenge group match at league leaders Cholet Basket.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Islamists shoot nearly 150 NATO truck on fire

Islamabad - worst attack on NATO truck. HabenIslamisten in northwest Pakistan in an attack on the supply line for dieinternationalen troops in neighboring Afghanistan until 150Lastwagen shot in the fire.
 According to police sources amfrühen was killed Sunday morning, a security guard. The extremists had attacked dieauf a rest area on the outskirts of Peshawar parked Fahrzeugemit grenade launchers and assault rifles.
The truck solltenLebensmittel and military equipment for the Western troops in Afghanistan through the notorious Khyber Pass into Afghanistan bringen.Einige the van also had armored vehicles for the NATO-ISAF geführteSchutztruppe loaded.
The driver had stopped overnight on demRastplatz. The dangerous Pass, about 18 kilometers from Peschawarentfernt may be daytime only and only with Sicherheitsbegleitungüberquert. The 35-kilometer route through the unruhigenStammesgebiete through the Khyber Pass is a derHauptversorgungslinien for Afghanistan.
   Extremists in the region have repeatedly threatened to cut dieVersorgungslinie what behindernwürde the use of ausländischenTruppen against the insurgents in Afghanistan strongly. Already on Monday zweiLastwagenfahrer Islamists were killed in the same parking lot at Peshawar undmindestens destroyed a dozen cars replenishment.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Clan-finals will take place in Cologne

Karlsruhe - After weeks of fighting over a video game competition with killer in Karlsruhe dieVeranstaltung has been canceled.
The Cologne-based company "Turtle Entertainment" has resigned from his contract law, teiltedie city on Tuesday. But: The finals will take place anyway in Cologne.
The Karlsruhe case, no compensation was paid.
Thus came to a decision by the Cologne-Karlsruhe Gemeinderatszuvor. He had planned at the urging of the CDU, a rejection dersogenannten "Intel Friday Night Games" fürComputerspiele - a sort of Premier League - to force in a special session.
Sources of the discussion was the massacre in Winnenden in which 16 people were killed.
"Turtle Entertainment organizes the computer events according to their own problems Angabenseit seven years. Cancellations, it has given up on this Frühjahrnie.
Already this Friday, there is the next Spieltagin Hanover, in mid-June would be made in the finals in Cologne.