Monday, May 3, 2010

Clan-finals will take place in Cologne

Karlsruhe - After weeks of fighting over a video game competition with killer in Karlsruhe dieVeranstaltung has been canceled.
The Cologne-based company "Turtle Entertainment" has resigned from his contract law, teiltedie city on Tuesday. But: The finals will take place anyway in Cologne.
The Karlsruhe case, no compensation was paid.
Thus came to a decision by the Cologne-Karlsruhe Gemeinderatszuvor. He had planned at the urging of the CDU, a rejection dersogenannten "Intel Friday Night Games" fürComputerspiele - a sort of Premier League - to force in a special session.
Sources of the discussion was the massacre in Winnenden in which 16 people were killed.
"Turtle Entertainment organizes the computer events according to their own problems Angabenseit seven years. Cancellations, it has given up on this Frühjahrnie.
Already this Friday, there is the next Spieltagin Hanover, in mid-June would be made in the finals in Cologne.