Sunday, May 9, 2010

Islamists shoot nearly 150 NATO truck on fire

Islamabad - worst attack on NATO truck. HabenIslamisten in northwest Pakistan in an attack on the supply line for dieinternationalen troops in neighboring Afghanistan until 150Lastwagen shot in the fire.
 According to police sources amfrühen was killed Sunday morning, a security guard. The extremists had attacked dieauf a rest area on the outskirts of Peshawar parked Fahrzeugemit grenade launchers and assault rifles.
The truck solltenLebensmittel and military equipment for the Western troops in Afghanistan through the notorious Khyber Pass into Afghanistan bringen.Einige the van also had armored vehicles for the NATO-ISAF geführteSchutztruppe loaded.
The driver had stopped overnight on demRastplatz. The dangerous Pass, about 18 kilometers from Peschawarentfernt may be daytime only and only with Sicherheitsbegleitungüberquert. The 35-kilometer route through the unruhigenStammesgebiete through the Khyber Pass is a derHauptversorgungslinien for Afghanistan.
   Extremists in the region have repeatedly threatened to cut dieVersorgungslinie what behindernwürde the use of ausländischenTruppen against the insurgents in Afghanistan strongly. Already on Monday zweiLastwagenfahrer Islamists were killed in the same parking lot at Peshawar undmindestens destroyed a dozen cars replenishment.