Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now must take drastic Fortuna Bubis!

Dusseldorf - As messed the "Department of attack" against a possible victory Unterhaching were versiebt the simplest things in training and is now before the important away game Sunday (14 clock) in Sandhausen also this: Striker alarm at Fortuna!
Axel Lawarée (3 responses so far) will be. "He still has non-specific pain. Because now the psyche also plays a role. He does not feel good. So it makes no sense, "said coach Norbert Meier contrite.
Not the only bad news for the coach: His attacker zweiterfolreichster Kenan Sahin (fit two goals) must be expected.
"He can not practice because of a meniscal irritation. It does not look good. Trained by Saturday he did not, he's not there, "commit itself Meier.
The 49-year-old must now rely on his Bubis, in Sandhausen probably grab the youngster Marcel Gaus (19) and Deniz Kadah (at 22). "Whining does not help, the hopes zusamnmenrücken Force has yet to close," Meier. "Now is: One for all and all for one."
Düsseldorf's "Musketeers" can attack with a third away win in the third match in a foreign place at the top. "That's the goal. We look forward to this game after all. " said Meier, who also fear for his master is required. "I had to stop training because of pain in the ankle. It feels like the time when the bone marrow inflammation, "said Jens Langeneke. "I now have their first bit shorter, it will necessarily create through Sunday. After this break is indeed. "
The Captain inoculates his Bubi troop confidence: "No matter who else fails. We will stand with eleven guys on the field who can win a football game. Finished. "
But it is hard enough. Sandhausen waits with wide shoulders on Fortune's mini-squad. "The weak are started, but now won twice," says Meier, who accuses Christian Erwig despite Personalnot from the squad: "I'm not counting on players who want to go."
No later than Monday returns the striker back to his former club Schalke 04 II.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sporting director Rudi Voeller buttoned up before Leverkusen's national team

Hamburg - When the van der Vaart show in the HSV-Arena was over, stole the Bayer professionals in their cabin. Steve Sidwell walked nicely on the black carpet, not to knock around with his cleats the ground. It was an emblematic image of innocent and honest Leverkusen, escaped last night by only one with a large fortune Lieblingsverein VfB debacle.
Let the 1:0-victory of HSV on the paper just published, actually, there was a class difference between the teams. The hosts, spurred by an outstanding "van der Vaart," showed aggression, presented in a magnificent game mood and rolled over helpless Bayer professionals will. And this caused, especially in sporting director Rudi Voeller after the final whistle for a swollen carotid artery.
"It was missing the last bite," he began his statement, "we had no aggression, we had too many breakdowns and we were much too playful. The victory of HSV was well deserved. "
Then Völler anger was directed against the national team, which yesterday enjoyed all of them a very black Monday. Both Schneider, Rolfes, Castro, and Kiessling disappointed right down the line. Nations, is one of the classics in England next Wednesday for the DFB delegation wants to go after the quartet. "I'll talk to those times. That was nothing, what they delivered. It's nice to play at Wembley. But first you should bring a good performance for Bayer. "
Just had a significant scoring chance Leverkusen header from Barnetta. What else? Nothing! Scoreless. Desolate! So it was well deserved, that the HSV import through a penalty van der Vaart the second victory in the second game. And Bayer? Including Cup bust in St. Paul for 270 minutes without a goal. Three-million shopping Theofanis Gekas been one huge disappointment. Instead of attacking the head of crash table in 14th place It does not look good for the tip Leverkusen.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Now Eberl again Goats Head ...

Mönchengladbach - Max Eberl Christian Ziege made to Junior B coach at Borussia. Has been set for him by President Rolf Königs 19 months ago as a sports director's nose. Yesterday Marin detectors Eberl became the goat's successor and is suddenly transported back head of the new co-trainer.
In the interview, Max Eberl raises the questions of the EXPRESS.
If the person feels new items differently? It is a title that I fill with life. I'm going to work, has built the Christian, just continue to work closely with him and Steffen Korell be on the team and lead together with Hans Meyer and Jürgen Raab destinies.
Do you feel as well? Yes, sure, I studied sports management and I knew that I would like to work later times in the management of a football club.
First you have Christian Ziege boss as youth coordinator, then you, and now it is back the other way ... But it shows that no one is above the other and it has always worked together, and it will continue to run. The only difference for me is that I still am a little more into general responsibility than before.
As you are now sporting director Hans Meyer's boss, under which you played before ... If an enemy flew off the seat, he has changed me, always first to raise with us the footballing quality. Formally we can now speak of boss. I've learned a lot from him as a player, he has influenced us greatly. That two guys who have played under him, to conduct the affairs, also has a statement that he has given us not only on the pitch, but also much else taught.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Deutsche Telekom closes call center 39

Berlin - Thousands of employees of Deutsche Telekom are once again faced with drastic cuts.
The Bonn-based company announced on Thursday: 6000 Employees of the network division will be outsourced to the newly formed company, T-Service, where they must earn less and work four hours per week longer.
In addition, 39 of the currently 63 German call center will be closed. The telephone counseling is concentrated in 24 locations. Approximately 8000 of a total of 18,000 full-and part-time employees would have to replace their old to a new location, the Telekom.Die new center will be upgraded to 70 million complex ".
There would be no layoffs and no relocation abroad, said the group.
In the Rhineland, the following is planned: Closing the call center in Cologne (330 employees), Koblenz (160), Aachen (170) and Trier (100) - the staff will continue to work in Bonn (currently 270).
Also, these sites made close Krefeld (70 employees), Mönchengladbach (180) and Wesel (190) - they are to Dusseldorf (currently relocated 470).
The trade union Verdi announced massive opposition to the plans and has already threatened to Streik.Verdi representative Ado Wilhelm: "We will now examine all possible measures that can also be a new industrial dispute."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Slight tremor in the Bayer Circus

Leverkusen --
Eren Derdiyok than two minutes before the end came to 4:2, lay not only in the Swiss visible tension, but also all on the Bayer Bank breathed in the collectivity.
The fourth home win in a row, said before the championship lead Bavaria: It juppt Bayer lubricated like. The 4:2-deserved victory over brave Mainzer was received, but the Leverkusen had to tremble still completely unnecessary.
"We felt confident to make it easier for us. Since we have to play the game really quiet home, "was Bayer coach Jupp Heynckes, who is also the 18th Game stayed behind with his young team without a defeat. Important: The lead in the sixth, Werder Bremen, now amounts to ten points!
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Anyone who sees a home game at Bayer, who is guaranteed at his expense. Even under harsh conditions, freezing temperatures and a very stiff breeze, this team never lost the desire to play football. Yes, it is more a pleasure to see the combination of football to Werkself. Unfortunately, she forgets to make more capital out of it.
To stop sooner is a boy who was a few days ago only 20 years old Toni Kroos, the gifted children. According to a weaker start, he prepared the 1:1 by Michal Kadlec) before (15.. After the 2:1 30. by Barnetta (), he met with coolness and technique to volley then 3:1 (30.). Once again, it was Bayer understood in this season, shooting a residue. In contrast to the early season Werkself is not worried, but trusted their softball team.
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But this team is not perfect yet! And that gives us hope the competition. Actually a bit incomprehensible that Bayer's individual superiority after the break did not help to decide the game. Instead, Leverkusen let the enemy through a marble gate of approaching Bungert (67.).
"After that, we then responded well," said Kroos, who noted in his own performance: "I am glad that it works so well. But there is no reason to sit back. "
Happy with the kroosartigen Toni, they are also at Bayer. It would be a wonderful story from Leverkusen view when stealing the Bavaria-Bayern on loan for the first time the title and it brings to Leverkusen. And all they have to abandon it yet. Sporting director Rudi Voeller: "We will do everything to keep him with us."
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