Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now must take drastic Fortuna Bubis!

Dusseldorf - As messed the "Department of attack" against a possible victory Unterhaching were versiebt the simplest things in training and is now before the important away game Sunday (14 clock) in Sandhausen also this: Striker alarm at Fortuna!
Axel Lawarée (3 responses so far) will be. "He still has non-specific pain. Because now the psyche also plays a role. He does not feel good. So it makes no sense, "said coach Norbert Meier contrite.
Not the only bad news for the coach: His attacker zweiterfolreichster Kenan Sahin (fit two goals) must be expected.
"He can not practice because of a meniscal irritation. It does not look good. Trained by Saturday he did not, he's not there, "commit itself Meier.
The 49-year-old must now rely on his Bubis, in Sandhausen probably grab the youngster Marcel Gaus (19) and Deniz Kadah (at 22). "Whining does not help, the hopes zusamnmenrücken Force has yet to close," Meier. "Now is: One for all and all for one."
Düsseldorf's "Musketeers" can attack with a third away win in the third match in a foreign place at the top. "That's the goal. We look forward to this game after all. " said Meier, who also fear for his master is required. "I had to stop training because of pain in the ankle. It feels like the time when the bone marrow inflammation, "said Jens Langeneke. "I now have their first bit shorter, it will necessarily create through Sunday. After this break is indeed. "
The Captain inoculates his Bubi troop confidence: "No matter who else fails. We will stand with eleven guys on the field who can win a football game. Finished. "
But it is hard enough. Sandhausen waits with wide shoulders on Fortune's mini-squad. "The weak are started, but now won twice," says Meier, who accuses Christian Erwig despite Personalnot from the squad: "I'm not counting on players who want to go."
No later than Monday returns the striker back to his former club Schalke 04 II.