Friday, April 9, 2010

Deutsche Telekom closes call center 39

Berlin - Thousands of employees of Deutsche Telekom are once again faced with drastic cuts.
The Bonn-based company announced on Thursday: 6000 Employees of the network division will be outsourced to the newly formed company, T-Service, where they must earn less and work four hours per week longer.
In addition, 39 of the currently 63 German call center will be closed. The telephone counseling is concentrated in 24 locations. Approximately 8000 of a total of 18,000 full-and part-time employees would have to replace their old to a new location, the Telekom.Die new center will be upgraded to 70 million complex ".
There would be no layoffs and no relocation abroad, said the group.
In the Rhineland, the following is planned: Closing the call center in Cologne (330 employees), Koblenz (160), Aachen (170) and Trier (100) - the staff will continue to work in Bonn (currently 270).
Also, these sites made close Krefeld (70 employees), Mönchengladbach (180) and Wesel (190) - they are to Dusseldorf (currently relocated 470).
The trade union Verdi announced massive opposition to the plans and has already threatened to Streik.Verdi representative Ado Wilhelm: "We will now examine all possible measures that can also be a new industrial dispute."